Le Page Architects finalise technical investigation of Torbay Road elevation

Conservation Architects Le Page, working in conjunction with structural engineers Simon Bastone Associates, presented the Trust with their findings of detailed technical investigation of the Torbay Road elevation. Grants from Historic England and the Rosalind Hicks Charitable Trust enabled the Trust to commission this important piece of work. Scaffold across the full front of the building allowed the consultancy team to get up close to the building and assess the condition of the stonework and windows. The submitted report presented to the Trust contains their assessment and repair proposals based on a 30 square grid; each square then represented in detail on a page of the report. This amazing level of detail has informed a proposed repair schedule, and the works costed. Works for this phase are likely to be in the region of £250,000, based on repairs and professional fees. The next step for the Trust is to develop a funding strategy and make grant applications so these works can be brought on site.


Le Page Architects and Real Ideas Organisation present initial options for reuse